What is working, and what is not

It’s been nearly three weeks, and we’ve relied exclusively on this site for our television programming. The obvious winner is NetFlix, with their “Watch Now” option, although no closed-captioning is a HUGE drawback for my wife and I. We are both baby boomers and need the captioning much of the time… too much TV when we were younger, maybe.

Our second choice is (ironically) TVGuide.com (see above, under Top Picks) The titles from which to choose are numerous, and alphabetical. Two good things. It redirects to Hulu, which is not indexed quite so well, so it is pretty much a site like this… an index that you can use to bring titles to your screen.

I am traveling to Oklahoma City today, and have found that bandwidth here is not quite as good as at home. Too much competition, maybe. The signal is great… bandwidth; not so great.

Anyway, gotta find an hour program to watch before my flight…

Robert – 602-999-4120