TV :: 2014 Q4 :: COX Wins

We finally succumb to the cocks


The title is because when I first created this page in particular, I dictated it through Siri. Siri has a problem understanding now and then. When I dictated COX, she heard it as cocks. Anyway, we have subscribed to Cox, not cicks! LOL

Since we started this webpage we have moved. We now have COX basic for an additional seven dollars per month. Not a bad deal. Initially, they installed the DVR box. This precluded the use of our TiVo. I spoke with them and got our straight cable for the same price. The link above is for us. The rest of this webpage still applies for you. Live long and prosper!

These pages are intended to help you reduce your monthly television viewing from (probably) over $100 per month to about ten dollars per month.  Seriously!  I am not selling anything, nor am I asking for you to give me money.  This page is mainly for use as a portal for my wife and me, but you can use it too.Send all comments and feedback to